As a successful collaborator and acknowledged expert in coordinating EU Twinning projects and other international capacity-building projects, HAUS´s services are tailored specifically to benefit the public administration. We want to invite you to familiarise yourself with our project portfolio and let us know how to support you in yours.
Over the years, HAUS has led or been otherwise involved in 40+ EU Twinning projects and around 50 other international projects serving public administration. HAUS has been a Mandated Body in Twinning since 1999. In addition to EU and other international projects, HAUS is an active member of European and international networks and think-tanks, such as DISPA (Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration). Consequently, HAUS has gained extensive knowledge in EU best practices from different branches of administration through international cooperation and networks.
Here you can find the ongoing and previous international projects HAUS International project references.
On-going projects
African-Finnish Partnerships on Taxation Capacity in Africa
Strengthened capacity of pan-African organisations and African governments to increase domestic resource mobilisation through informed policymaking
African Digital and Green Transition
Digitalisation is taking a leap forward in Africa, and the demand for expertise in trusted connectivity and digital services is increasing.
HAUS assists Finnish companies and public organisations to access new EU funding instruments and build partnerships with African countries based on Finnish good practices in digitalisation.
Data Governance in Africa
The Data Governance in Africa Initiative aims to foster a development-oriented and human-centric data economy and society in Africa. Part of a broader strategic partnership between the African Union and European Union on Digital Cooperation, it’s a key component of the Joint AU-EU Vision for sustainable economic growth.
Previous Projects
Twinning: Peer-to-Peer Institutional Support to the Office of the Auditor General in Zambia.
Support to Further Implementation of Civil Service Reform in Armenia, Twinning Project
The Republic of Serbia
Support to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in modernizing the personnel planning procedure for State Administration and harmonizing the Catalogue of titles in State Administration and Local Self-Governments
Academy of Management in Public Administration, an international program for improving managerial competences of middle management in public administration
Twinning: Independent Police Complaints Commission & Complaints System for the Turkish National Police, Gendarmerie and Coast Guard
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordania
Twinning: Capacity Building of Public Security Directorate/Borders and Residence Department
Republic of Moldova
Twinning: Support to the strengthening of the operational capacities of the Law Enforcement Agencies of the Republic of Moldova in the field of investigation of criminal acts of corruption
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Modern Leadership and Capacity Building in Public Sector in Eastern Partnership Countries (PADOS II)
Twinning: Strengthening integrity of public sector (CRO Integrity) – HR 12 IB OT 01
Twinning Light: Developing the Financial Literacy Programme with the aim of raising the level of financial literacy in the Republic of Croatia (CRO Financial Literacy)
Partnership Support for the Institute of African Leadership for Sustainable Development, (The Uongozi Institute)
Twinning: Strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for macroeconomic analysis and policy formulation in order to improve policy making and meet the criteria for EU accession
Twinning: Professional development of Judicial Advisors and future Judges and State Attorneys through establishment of self sustainable training system
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Twinning: Support the Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Commission’s Strategy in Jordan
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Twinning: Strengthening HRM system in the area of Civil Service Training
Twinning: Improving the operational and administrative capacity of the customs authority. Component 2: Improving the competencies for the customs staff both at central and territorial level
Twinning: Widening the use of different tools foreseen in the EU “Better regulation” initiative in policy making process in ministries
Consultancy services for the inception phase of the development of a middle management development programme for Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM)
Strengthening the capacity of Turkish ministries for Market Surveillance in selected areas
Component 3: Market Surveillance support on Personal Protective Equipment (MLSS PPE Component)
Twinning: Assistance to the Ministry of Finance in Preparing the Administration of the European Communities’ Own Resources and participation in the EU budgetary process
Czech Republic
Twinning: Updating of Training in EU Matters for Staff Members of Central Public Service Bodies