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The Act on HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd (944/2009) regulates our role as a state-owned stakeholder unit, i.e. in-house operator. The company is part of the Ministry of Finance’s administration which also holds the responsibility for the company’s corporate governance.


Our duties are to provide training and development services and business matters related to these areas. We support the central government in bettering development, training and leadership.


Our customers are central government personnel, agencies and offices as well as state enterprises. National Parliament and units operating under it are part of our clientele as well. In addition, our customers may include the administration of the European Union and the Member States in projects concerning intergovernmental development cooperation, as well as the intergovernmental organizations in which Finland is a member.



Africa’s Digital Future: Investment Needs and Opportunities

Africa is Growing and Developing Africa is home to about 18% of the world’s population, but the continent only houses 1% of the world’s data centers. This significant disparity highlights the need for increased investment in digital infrastructure.

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Resistomap accelerates environmental monitoring of antibiotic resistance in Indonesia

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Currently seeking for: Consultant for Curriculum Development in Leadership and Governance  

The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in partnership with the HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management, under the Economic and Social Governance key impact area of ACBF’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027…

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Call for applications to Finnish Organizations: Expert Secondment to Zambia Ministry of Technology and Science​ (MoTS)

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Whistleblowing channel

The purpose of new legislation is to ensure that a person, who, in connection to their work, detects or suspects activity that goes against the public interest in separately defined areas of EU or national law, can report the matter safely.

State-owned companies are required to have an anonymous reporting channel for reporting detected grievances and abuses. If you have noticed any problems or abuses in our operations, you can anonymously report them via the link below. This way we can operate better in the future.

Access the channel