Content sitemap

Impact statement:

Strengthened capacity of pan-African organisations and African governments to increase domestic resource mobilisation through informed policymaking.

Key objectives

The rationale for launching the African-Finnish Partnerships on Taxation Capacity in Africa Programme (AFP-TCA) stems from Finland’s Taxation for Development Action Programme (2020-2023). The Programme aims at supporting domestic resource mobilisation and thus contributes to the Action Programme’s two of the three main pillars: “to strengthen the taxation capacity of developing countries” and “to strengthen the position of developing countries in the global tax policy and ensure that the perspectives of developing countries will be better taken into consideration in the international tax policy”. This goal is the rationale for supporting taxation policy design by increasing research, training and education on taxation.

The key approaches of the Programme include capacity development, enhanced use of new and agile leadership competencies and digital learning, mutual research and policymaking.

Outcome statements

Project key information

Implementation phase: 09/2023-12/2025

Budget: 2,85M €

Partners: HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd, African Capacity Building Foundation, VATT Institute for Economic Research

Stakeholders: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Finland), Ministry of Finance (Finland), VERO Tax Administration, African Tax Administration Forum, Tax Justice Network Africa, African Tax Research Network, Tanzania Revenue Authority

Programme on the news

ACBF and partners working to build capacity of Africa tax officials through digital training – Ghana Business News

Africa faces an annual $30-$60b economic drain from illicit financial flows as tax experts call for urgent messages – The Business & Financial Times

ACBF Academy to build capacity of African tax officials to tackle challenges of revenue mobilization – Ghana Business News

Let’s build a culture of cyber awareness – ACBF – Ghana Business News 

Mitään vaikuttavuutta -podcast on Spotify

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Currently seeking for: Consultant for Curriculum Development in Leadership and Governance  

The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in partnership with the HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management, under the Economic and Social Governance key impact area of ACBF’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027…

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HAUS implementing a taxation capacity sharing project in Africa funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

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