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Call for applications to Finnish Organizations:  Secondment of an Expert to Tanzania Forest Services (TFS)

ADGT secondments is an instrument of technical assistance whereby Finnish experts  offer technical support to the needs of digital development in public host organisations of African countries. Secondments last maximum of 6 months and are completed before the end of 2024. Expenses of the secondments are covered by the ADGT programme that is implemented by HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management and funded by Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA).

HAUS is looking for a Finnish organisation with relevant expertise to participate in a short-term secondment of an expert to Tanzania Forest Services (TFS). The secondment is prepared in collaboration with MFA and Embassy of Finland in Tanzania.

Main goal of the secondment is to provide technical support in building a more comprehensive understanding of how geospatial and ICT technologies are being used to support sustainable forest management. The secondment has the following specific objectives:

  • ensure TFS forest resource and product monitoring and ICT staff are capacitated on practical applications of ICT through extensive use of digital services;
  • strengthen TFS in the use of spatial data (GIS) to assess land cover, forest change and developments occurring in forested areas;
  • support TFS to develop system and network security to enhance its cybersecurity posture, mitigate risk and ensure the uninterrupted flow of operations.
  • strengthen mutual cooperation between Tanzania and Finnish partner organizations.

Qualifications: The organisation and their expert shall have experience and suitable qualifications to independently provide capacity building support in line with the objectives above. The decision on the most qualified applications is made in cooperation of HAUS and MFA Finland.

Please submit your application to the Open Call for Experts of the ADGT programme on Wed 8 May 2024 at the latest, indicating in question 5 that you are applying to the secondment of expert to Tanzania Forest Services. Applications are reviewed as they arrive.

Valitse henkilö