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HAUS implementing a taxation capacity sharing project in Africa funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

The project called “African-Finnish Partnerships on Taxation Capacity in Africa” (AFP-TCA) will focus on capacity sharing between The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management.

The project is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) and stems from Finland’s Taxation for Development Action Programme (Tax4Dev), the main pillar of which concentrates on strengthening the taxation capacity of developing countries. The agreement on the implementation of the project was signed in November 2022 by representatives of MFA and HAUS.


Mr Kyösti Väkeväinen, Managing Director of HAUS, and Ms Titta Maja-Luoto, Director General of Department for Development Policy at the MFA, at the signing event of the agreement


The objective of the project is to increase domestic resource mobilisation (DRM) by enhancing informed policy-making. To achieve this objective, the project will focus on capacity development, agile leadership competences, digital learning and mutual research to aid current and future civil servants.

ACBF will act as the lead Pan-African partner of the project. VATT Institute for Economic Research will act as the key Finnish partner, focusing especially on conducting research and strengthening research capacity. HAUS will be in charge of project management and coordination. The project will aim at enforcing synergies with other Finnish projects strengthening taxation.

– I am delighted about this new project. This co-operation between the ACBF and HAUS will provide African partners concrete tools to implement comprehensive taxation policies and enables HAUS to expand its network of partnerships in the continent. Research and education in taxation related issues enable more effective tax collection, making countries less dependent on foreign finance, states Ms. Titta Maja-Luoto, Director General of Department for Development Policy at the MFA.


Representatives of HAUS and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs participated in the signing event held in November 2022.
Learn more:

HAUS project information card

Taxation for development – Finland’s Action Programme 2020–2023

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