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Final Conference of the Twinning Project: Strengthening Anti-Corruption Efforts in Zambia

On the 19th of February 2025, the final conference of the EU funded Twinning Project “Peer-to-Peer Institutional Support to the Anti-Corruption Commission in Zambia” was held at the University of Zambia. The event marked the end of project, that started in August of 2021, as the first Twinning project in Africa. In the spirit of Twinning, the project was implemented by HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management, and The German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation, through collaborative efforts to enhance the institutional capacities of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Zambia through knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer assistance.

The conference commenced with an introduction by the master of ceremonies Mr. Timothy Moono, Head of Corporate Communications at the Anti-Corruption Commission. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia, professor Mundia Muya, welcomed all participants to the University as the host for the event, before the project stakeholders took the floor.

Ms. Monica Chipanta Mwansa, Acting Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission, initiated the project portion of the event with inspiring remarks on the critical role of the ACC in fostering transparency and accountability in Zambia. Her insights highlighted the vital need for ongoing collaboration and support in the fight against corruption.

Then, the Ambassador of the European Union to Zambia and COMESA, Ms. Karolina Stasiak, reiterated the EU’s commitment to supporting Zambia’s anti-corruption initiatives, showcasing the importance of international partnerships in achieving sustainable governance.

The highlight of the conference was a comprehensive presentation by Mr. Jaakko Christensen, Project Leader for the EU-funded Twinning Project. He shared an overview of the project’s objectives, activities, and outcomes, illustrating how peer-to-peer support has strengthened the operational framework of the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Following the formal presentation of the project results, the event continued with the interactive part of the event, which was a panel session with key project personnel. The project leader Jaakko Christensen was joined by the Resident Twinning Advisor Nina Niva, and management of the Anti-Corruption Commission Mrs. Glenda Mungalaba, acting Secretary to the Commission, and Stella Mulenga, director of Legal and Prosecutions. The panel discussed their views on the project work, and held a questions & answers session for event participants to delve deeper into the project’s impacts and challenges.

The conference concluded with a refreshing reception, providing an opportunity for networking, sharing experiences, and discussing future collaborations in the fight against corruption in Zambia. HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management would like to extend gratitude to all participants, sponsors, and partners for their contributions and dedication to this vital cause. Together, we can pave the way for a corruption-free future.

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