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Call for Experts on Digital Development is Open in the African Digital and Green Transition Program

ADGT supports Finnish–African partnerships in digitalisation

African Digital and Green Transition (ADGT) is a project that assists Finnish companies and public agencies in establishing sustainable partnerships with African countries in digitalisation. The growing digital market in Africa creates opportunities to develop trusted and secure ecosystems of digital infrastructure and services. There is a growing demand for Finnish digital solutions in various sectors ranging from secure connectivity eGovernance, smart cities and open innovation. ADGT supports cooperation by, firstly, sending Finnish experts to partner organisations and, secondly, by promoting access to multinational project funding such as Team Europe Initiatives.

ADGT supports the goals and principles of Finland’s development policy and contributes to the implementation of the Finnish Africa Strategy. ADGT is a project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Call for Experts is open

Experts in the digital field may contribute to the implementation of ADGT by two means:

  1. ADGT Secondment: Experts are sent work as advisors in partner organisations in African countries for up to 6 months, offering technical assistance based on Finnish know-how in digitalisation. Simultaneously, opportunities arise to forge sustainable business partnerships that last beyond the secondment. Experts may come from public sector, companies or civil society organizations in Finland, and they are sent to public agencies in partner countries. ADGT programme covers costs of the secondment. Proposals for the secondment are welcomed in all sectors that incorporate digital and green solutions. In addition to ICT technology, digital public services and digital skills development, potential know-how may lie, for instance, in water engineering or energy industry.
  2. Short-term assignments: Implementation of ADGT programme opens a need for short-term assignments that contribute to planning and implementation of Team Europe Initiatives and other projects in the digital field. Relevant expertise may concern e.g. project planning, reporting and evaluation. Expert positions arise during the implementation of ADGT.

Are you interested in the ADGT programme? To apply for the expert positions, please fill in the short form here.

With any further questions, please contact:

Valitse henkilö



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