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Developing Markets Platform:


DevPlat Pilot Project: Strengthening Developing Markets Platform in Southeast Asia Pilot Project: Indonesia and the Philippines, 2022 – 2025

Key objectives

  • Increased co-creation and partnerships of Finnish and local companies and other stakeholders;
  • Products and services responding to identified local needs are developed by Finnish companies together with their local partners
  • Finnish and local business partners understand and address human rights impacts and apply responsible business and decent work standards
  • Livelihood/employment opportunities created by the DevPlat-supported business activities are fair and decentpromoting women and not discriminating persons with disabilities or other persons in vulnerable positions in access to jobs
  • Finnish companies and other stakeholders are aware of country market contextneeds and funding opportunities for needs and challenge-based business solutions

Impact statement

Strengthened sustainable development impacts in the project countries through innovative and sustainable solutions to local development needs anchallenges co-created by Finnish and local companies and other stakeholders supporting the SDGs.

The Pilot Project is an additional component in the DevPlat with an element of a stronger focus on development impacts according to the Finnish development policy and UN Sustainable Development GoalsThe Pilot Project will be funded by the MFA and its design is to ensure that DevPlat funded business initiatives will support sustainable development goals and contribute to real development impacts supporting achievement of SDGs in the target country.

Key stakeholders

Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Embassies in Jakarta and Manila, Business Finland

Key experts​

HAUS Helsinki:

  • Kati Tanninen (Project Lead)
  • Kimi Koponen (Finance Officer)
  • Sofia Kankama (Project Coordinator)

Senior Advisors:

  • Minh Lam (Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • Tarja Kuokkanen (Manila, Philippines)

MFA Helsinki:

  • Lotta Pennanen

Business Finland:

  • Christopher Palmberg