Other institution & capacity building projects
HAUS is a government partner in public sector reforms. We actively participate in structural reform support programme projects to contribute to institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining structural reforms in the European Union (EU) Member States and globally. HAUS is a strategic partner in planning and implementing state personnel policy, public administration reforms, training of civil servants, human resource management, and organisational development of the ministries and other state agencies. As an in-house operator within the Finnish government, we serve a particular function in implementing development aid and enables seamless cooperation between different stakeholders (e.g. government agencies, universities, research institutions, civil society organisations, third sector) within its projects.
HAUS is experienced in development cooperation and implementing development aid projects conducted in close collaboration with the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The development aid projects carried out to implement and correspond to the goals and principles of Finland’s and EU’s development and regional policies. The focus of development aid projects implemented by HAUS has been chiefly on well-functioning societies and democracy, primarily through institution and capacity building. HAUS also has previous experience in implementing projects focusing on strengthening the status and rights of women and girls. Our development cooperation and development aid projects put into practice Finland’s and EU’s development and regional policies. As Finland’s geographical focus of development cooperation is on Africa, many of the latest or current projects are implemented in African countries.