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Secondment is an instrument of technical assistance in which experts from Finland are sent to work in partner organisations in African host counties. The goal is to support digital development by offering capacity building based on Finnish good practices, while forging partnerships that facilitate cooperation between Finnish digital industries and local stakeholders after the secondment. Maximum duration of a secondment is six months.

The Finnnish home organization of a seconded expert can be a public, private, academic, or civil society organization. During the secondment, the expert will work in a public organization of the host country representing HAUS.


Proposals for secondments are welcomed from all sectors that incorporate digital and green solutions. In addition to ICT technology and digital public services, potential know-how may lie, for instance, in water engineering, smart city solutions, or energy industry.

Sedondments are part of a pilot project that runs until the end of 2024.

Call for Experts is Open

Apply here

Ask about the secondment:

Valitse henkilö

HAUS opening pathways to the digital
and green markets in Africa